Corporate Yoga

Corporate yoga has been a popular word in recent time, just because of change in working environment and the individual life style. In decade’s time, we witness lot many transformation in technology though we are well equipped but still level of stress is increasing.

We offer corporate yoga classes in many industries, corporate yoga has been a successful tool to reduce stress and tension at workplace and boost productivity, save on health care cost and improved focus and concentration.

Our specially designed and short yoga session can conveniently and discretely done in the office premises.

We provide valuable techniques needed to manage every day challenges at work place and to enhance health and well-being of Individual.

Consider a day in the life of corporate employee. Deadliness, politics in work place, peer pressure, pressure to perform, pay cuts and long working hours- these are the parts of every working individual’s daily routine, and the top of all is the wrong sedentary lifestyle. We have tortured our body so much; it is bound to show the some reaction, we see it in form of stress fatigue other lifestyle diseases. This leads in increase in number of sick leaves and less focus and productivity in general.

Corporate wellness has been a important part in many organisation to focus on well being of their staff and corporate yoga has became a important part of that

Thus yoga provides an opportunity to regain focus, concentration and motivation to give best to the work. As it works through the level of body, mind and soul, it seeks balance in life in absence of which is the main reason of the dissatisfaction (personal and professional life).

Many companies are now offering yoga as part of their corporate wellness programs, some of the biggest in the world including pro sports teams, Forbes, GE, Apple, Google, GM, Chase Manhattan Bank, HBO, GM, Industrial Light & Magic and Nike have found the benefits.

The American workforce is becoming more mindful. In a new study of more than 85,000 adults, yoga practice among U.S. workers nearly doubled from 2002 to 2012, from 6 percent to 11 percent. Meditation rates also increased, from 8 percent to 9.9 percent. (TIME MAGAZINE)

Recent study of American physiological association released in 1 November 2017 states that main stressor of American citizen is work (61% of population thinks work place is the main reason for stress)

Corporate yoga sequence at workplace. Employees return from workouts refreshed and better focused on their jobs. Time lost on exercise is made back and more in terms of improved productivity (Business Insider)

The companies we cater to, but are not limited to include banks, press industry, media and advertising, professional sports and athleticism, academic universities, NGO and IGOS, political companies. You can find out more about our corporate yoga programs HERE.

“Yoga is literally a moving meditation. It gave me time to clear my head, unpack the volumes of new information I was absorbing each day and then come back with a new, clearer perspective on the problems at hand. On top of that, it’s a great workout.”  (Ryan Holmes for

“Job stress creates up to 60% of employee absenteeism” C. Cooper & R. Payne, eds. Causes, Coping and Consequences of Stress at Work

“Job stress costs employers more than $200 billion each year in absenteeism, tardiness, burnout, lower productivity, high turnover, worker’s compensation and medical insurance costs.” National Safety Council

“Depression, a common problem among workers, costs the US $44 billion per year in lost productivity. ” National Foundation of Brain Research

“The California Worker’s Compensation Institute determined that job stress claims increased 700% from 1977-1988.” M. Lehmer et al. J. Occupational Environment

”In a recent 3-year analysis of over 46,000 workers from six major US companies, depression and unmanaged stress emerged as the top two most costly risk factors in terms of medical expenditures – increasing health care costs by 2-7 times as much as physical risk factors such as smoking, obesity and poor exercise habits.” R. Goetzel et al. J Occupational Environmental Medicine

Some of the lifestyle health issues are listed below:


Incorporating yoga in work place can really make employees and employer more motivated toward organisational goal and individual goal. Through regular practice of yoga in work place can improve the decision making, broad vision, harmony amongst the employees and management.

According to statistic listed in, “It’s reported that companies spend about $14,000 per employee on medically related productivity costs annually. But companies that offer yoga and other wellness program benefits greatly reduce their health insurance premiums and increase their bottom line.”

Many companies are now offering yoga as part of their corporate wellness programs, some of the biggest in the world including pro sports teams; Forbes, GE, Apple, Google, GM, Chase Manhattan Bank, HBO, GM, Industrial Light & Magic and Nike have found the benefits.

The American workforce is becoming more mindful. In a new study of more than 85,000 adults, yoga practice among U.S. workers nearly doubled from 2002 to 2012, from 6 percent to 11 percent. Meditation rates also increased, from 8 percent to 9.9 percent. (TIME MAGAZINE)

  • Improves the  decision making ability of an employee
  • Improves the productivity of the organisation
  • Improves the energy level ,mental alertness and clarity
  • Improves morale, job satisfaction and creativity at work
  • Reduce the muscle tension and pain due to sedentary lifestyle
  • Feel Motivated and positive about the task
  • Easily manage the pressure of work place
  • Creates the harmony in the workplace
  • Improve the ability of managing stressful situations in work place
  • Increased productivity
  • Decreased cost of health care premiums
  • Reduced staff turnover
  • Reduced employee absenteeism
  • Higher job satisfaction amongst employees
  • More respect for senior management of companies
  • More attractive to potential employees seeking employment with your company
  • Customized packages to fit with the company’s needs and availability.
  • Safe and detailed approach to all postures with attention given to body ailments commonly experienced at work.
  • Theory and practical courses as well as theme based workshops.
  • Highly qualified and certified teachers
  • Yoga mats, but we would expect each person or the company to purchase their own. These may all be purchased through us at a very reasonable rate.
  • All students are welcome, regardless of fitness or flexibility level. Please notify us however of any chronic conditions that may affect your practice.
  • Motivated mind
  • Comfortable clothes
  • A bottle of water
  • 60 minutes of time twice a week for noticeable result (note: length of the session can be customised as per the need).

Let us look what some of the famous celebrity around the world have to say about yoga in their fitness regime

Entertainment Industries is being very demanding, celebs around the world who influence the
Have to maintain their physical and mental health at first, and yoga has been the first choice for them in decades of time

“We all will have to die some day but before that yoga guides us to the right way of living,” said veteran comedian Madan Krishna Shrestha in his message for the day.

Eminent actor and veteran dancer Mithila Sharma says: “Even the western dance forms such as B-boying and contemporary incorporate many yoga postures. Yoga offers goodness endlessly for all age groups.”
Bollywood actress shilpa shetty kundra is brand face of yoga realised many yoga DVD’s and programme

Bollywood queen karina kapoor khan include 50 suryanamashkar regularly and 40 mins of yoga practice in her fitness menu

Not only actress but the Akshay kumar who love martial arts also do yoga and meditate regularly for his fitness

Miss universe 2000 lara dutta , actress and a mother also trust yoga for her fitness and during pregnancy also he practised parental yoga for healthy baby.

According to researchers from the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester, yoga in conjunction with meditation can indeed relieve stress and improve work performance.” Yoga Journal Article

“Companies with Corporate Health Promotion Programs have realized a 28% reduction in sick leave, a 26% reduction in adjunctive healthcare costs and a 30% reduction in disability and workers compensation costs. ” Health Affairs, Volume 21, No.2, March, 2002

One study indicated that the return on investment for corporate wellness programs is over 5:1, or $5.81 saved for every dollar invested. (Stephenie Overman, author of Next-Generation Wellness at Work)

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) recommends yoga as “practical strategies for a healthy workplace” (in SHRM’s effective Guide Series)

“High-performance companies clearly understand the health-and-work behavior equation. This is why more than 75 percent of high-performing companies surveyed recently said they regularly measure health status as a component of their overall risk management strategy.” (The Society for Human Resource Management)

“According to research—conducted in October 2011 among 1,121 employees and 533 retirees—52 percent of workers (up from 37 percent a year earlier) said they had more energy to be more productive at work by participating in a wellness program. Another 35 percent (up from 28 percent a year earlier) said that they had missed fewer days of work by participating in a wellness program.” (The Society for Human Resource Management)

“Americans work harder, are more productive and miss fewer days of work as a result of wellness benefit programs, according to the quarterly survey of American workers at growing businesses with 10 to 1,000 employees. Forty-one percent of workers agreed that having a wellness program encourages them to work harder and perform better at work.” (The Society for Human Resource Management)

There is a definite decrease in health care costs when wellness initiatives are offered, and surveys indicate that for every dollar spent on wellness initiatives, most organizations see $1 to $3 decreases in costs. (The Society for Human Resource Management)

Corporate Social Responsibility

Dr. Chintamani regularly support local schools in poorer & remote communities with the health benefits of yoga, mindfulness, health education and some practical items, such as useful items for schools like sports items, books, writing materials etc. In the hours and days following the…

We offer YTT courses registered with American Yoga Alliances

Nepal Yoga Academy registered with YOGA ALLIANCE US